Editing VHDL files⚓
VHDL files, like most source code, are simply text files. Any text editor can be used to make VHDL. However some are more adapted than others. Emacs (Windows, GNU/Linux, MacOS) is one of them, thanks to its VHDL major mode and electric minor mode. Emacs automatically switches to VHDL mode when opening or creating a file with a .vhd extension. Notepad++ under windows is also an interesting tool to edit in VHDL. VSCode is a good editor as well.
We are not going to make a manual of emacs here, others have surely done it much better than we could (but in 611 pages)
This link points to a two-page pdf document giving the main emacs keyboard shortcuts:
The advantage of emacs in addition to being very complete is that it is multi-platform. Its disadvantage is that the learning curve is very steep.
Note: the notation of the shortcuts below is the one adopted in almost all Emacs documentation. For example the shortcut noted Ctrl+C Ctrl+T S I means :
- Press the Ctrl key, and keep it pressed
- Press and release the C key
- Press and release the T key
- Release the Ctrl key
- Press and release the S key
- Press and release the I key
In Emacs documentations the key M in shortcuts stands for the meta key. On most keyboards it is the Alt key (to the left of the space key).
The general shortcuts of the emacs VHDL mode⚓
The most useful Emacs shortcut in VHDL mode
Ctrl+C Ctrl+B : Beautify, clean up a VHDL code, to use without moderation !!!
Keyboard shortcuts to insert Templates⚓
Shortcut common part | Shortcut suffix | Description |
Ctrl+C Ctrl+T | Ctrl+H | insert header |
Ctrl+P and S or N or T | insert package (1164/numeric_std/textio) | |
E+N | insert entity | |
A+R | insert architecture | |
P+C | insert process (comb) | |
P+S | insert process (seq) | |
S+I | insert signal |
Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate input/output ports⚓
Shortcut common part | Shortcut suffix | Description |
Ctrl+C Ctrl+P | Ctrl+W | copy ports |
Ctrl+E | paste as entity | |
Ctrl+C | paste as component | |
Ctrl+I | paste as instance | |
Ctrl+S | paste as signals | |
Ctrl+C | paste as constants | |
Ctrl+G | paste as generic map | |
Ctrl+Z | paste as initialisation | |
Ctrl+T | paste as test bench |
The Notepad++ editor is free and open source, available under windows only. Its main asset is its very efficient rectangular editing. Just hold down the ALT key and select with the mouse. There is a VHDL plugin that offers some of the functions of the VHDL mode of emacs.
Simulation and Modelsim Script⚓
To simulate a circuit, you need a test bench Test bench file and use a simulator. It is often faster to run simulations in Modelsim with Tcl scripts. To launch the execution of a script in Modelsim, you must go to the directory containing the script and then execute the command "do" in the "Transcript" area of Modelsim.
Here is an example of a script that allows you to compile the VHDL files, launch and parameterize the simulation and choose the signals you want to display:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 |
The script
has this format :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
However, it is much easier to build it with the Modelsim graphical interface, and to save it (By moving to the wave window to make it active, file -> Save Format.
Useful commands to use directly in the console window (Transcript):
- restart -force ; run 500us
allows to force the restart of a simulation and to launch a run for the indicated time
- quit -sim
allows you to end a simulation, for example to change the working directory to start another one.
Vivado scripts⚓
In the same way that it is possible to use Tcl scripts with modelsim, it is possible to do it with Vivado.
Here are some commands that can be used in a script or directly in the "Tcl Console" of vivado.
Command | Description |
reset project |
delete all the files created by Vivado during the different phases of the flow while keeping all the source files. Equivalent to the "Clean up project files" of ISE. |
set_param project.enableVHDL2008 1 |
Activate the VHDL 2008 support (partial support, and different according to different depending on the tools, to be used with care). |
launch_runs synth_1 -jobs 8 |
Launch the synthesis "synth_1" on 8 processor cores |
reset_run synth_1 |
Interrupt the synthesis "synth_1". |
launch_runs impl_1 -jobs 8 |
Launches the "impl_1" implementation on 8 processor cores. Launch the synthesis if it has not been done before |
reset_run impl_1 |
Interrupts the implementation "impl_1" |
route_design -timing_summary |
calculate the timings of the design and thus to know precisely the critical path. |
Constraint file⚓
In Vivado, the constraint file contains, among other things, the correspondence between the inputs and outputs of the circuit we design and the pins of the FPGA chosen to implement this circuit. It is also possible to constrain the clock period that we want to reach. The synthesis tool then looks for the best timing/area compromise to minimize the area while being able to respect the chosen timing.
The syntax of vivado constraint files (*.xdc
files) is based on that of Synopsys constraint files (*.sdc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
Naming and coding convention⚓
All names should preferably be in English. Use of a capitalized prefix followed by a "_" according to the kind:
Name | Description |
I_NameOfInput |
for an input |
O_NameOfOutput |
for an output |
IO_NameOfInputOutput |
for an input/output |
SC_NameOfCombinatorialSignal |
for an internal combinatorial signal |
SR_NameOfRegisteredSignal |
for a internal flip-flop signal |
V_NameOfVariable |
for a internal variable in a process or function |
for a constant |
A_NameOfArray |
for an array |
G_NameOfGeneric |
for a generic |
T_NameOfType |
for a type |
R_NameOfRecord |
for a record |
it may seem very wordy, but is in fact very useful for readability during simulations and debug and make the code easy to reuse
Use of a suffix preceded by a "_" depending on the signal:
Name | Description |
I_Reset_n |
for an active low signal |
I_Clock_g |
for a system wide used signal (g for general) |