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Assignment operator

The assignment operator is : <=

b <= a;    -- a and b must be of the same type
It is used to connect a signal with another signal of the same type or with an operation whose result is of the same type.

The assignation is not like in software programming setting the value of a variable stored in memory, but the electrical connection.

Logical operators

The logical operators AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR allow to make operations between signals of type std_logic and std_logic_vector:

c <= a and b;
d <= a or b;
e <= not a;
f <= a nand b;
g <= a nor b;
h <= a xor b;
i <= a xnor b;

Relational operators

Relational operators are used to compare the values of signals of the same type. The returned value is a boolean, used for conditional structures.

Operator Description
= equal
/= different
< lower
> higher
<= less or equal
>= greater or equal

Arithmetic operators

Operator Description Synthesizability
+ addition synthesizable
- subtraction synthesizable
* multiplication synthesizable
/ division synthesizable if the right operand is a constant power of 2, or if both operands are constant
mod modulo synthesizable if the right operand is a constant power of 2
rem remainder synthesizable if the right operand is a constant power of 2
** exponential synthesizable if the left operand is 2, or in signal size calculation at declaration (see below)
abs(SIGNED/INTEGER) absolute value synthesizable. Works on signed or integer signals

The exponential operator can be synthesized in particular when defining the size of signals or arrays when declaring them:

type ram_type is array (2**Addr-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

Concatenation operators

The concatenation operator & allows to build a vector of bits by concatenating several sub-vectors vectors:

signal a : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 4 bits
signal b : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 5 bits
signal c : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 9 bits
a <= "0000";
b <= "11111";
c <= a & b; -- c = "000011111"

Operators according to type

Authorized operators according to type

Authorized operators according to type (source: Doulos)

Predefined Attributes

Attributes in VHDL is a set of functionalities that allow to get informations on objects, like the length, the size etc. Here is a list of available attributes in VHDL :

Attribute Description
T'BASE is the base type of the type T
T'LEFT is the leftmost value of type T. (Largest if downto)
T'RIGHT is the rightmost value of type T. (Smallest if downto)
T'HIGH is the highest value of type T.
T'LOW is the lowest value of type T.
T'ASCENDING is boolean true if range of T defined with to .
T'IMAGE(X) is a string representation of X that is of type T.
T'VALUE(X) is a value of type T converted from the string X.
T'POS(X) is the integer position of X in the discrete type T.
T'VAL(X) is the value of discrete type T at integer position X.
T'SUCC(X) is the value of discrete type T that is the successor of X.
T'PRED(X) is the value of discrete type T that is the predecessor of X.
T'LEFTOF(X) is the value of discrete type T that is left of X.
T'RIGHTOF(X) is the value of discrete type T that is right of X.
A'LEFT is the leftmost subscript of array A or constrained array type.
A'LEFT(N) is the leftmost subscript of dimension N of array A.
A'RIGHT is the rightmost subscript of array A or constrained array type.
A'RIGHT(N) is the rightmost subscript of dimension N of array A.
A'HIGH is the highest subscript of array A or constrained array type.
A'HIGH(N) is the highest subscript of dimension N of array A.
A'LOW is the lowest subscript of array A or constrained array type.
A'LOW(N) is the lowest subscript of dimension N of array A.
A'RANGE is the range A'LEFT to A'RIGHT or A'LEFT downto A'RIGHT .
A'RANGE(N) is the range of dimension N of A.
A'REVERSE_RANGE is the range of A with to and downto reversed.
A'REVERSE_RANGE(N) is the REVERSE_RANGE of dimension N of array A.
A'LENGTH is the integer value of the number of elements in array A.
A'LENGTH(N) is the number of elements of dimension N of array A.
A'ASCENDING is boolean true if range of A defined with to .
A'ASCENDING(N) is boolean true if dimension N of array A defined with to .
S'DELAYED(t) is the signal value of S at time now - t .
S'STABLE is true if no event is occurring on signal S.
S'STABLE(t) is true if no even has occurred on signal S for t units of time.
S'QUIET is true if signal S is quiet. (no event this simulation cycle)
S'QUIET(t) is true if signal S has been quiet for t units of time.
S'TRANSACTION is a bit signal, the inverse of previous value each cycle S is active.
S'EVENT is true if signal S has had an event this simulation cycle.
S'ACTIVE is true if signal S is active during current simulation cycle.
S'LAST_EVENT is the time since the last event on signal S.
S'LAST_ACTIVE is the time since signal S was last active.
S'LAST_VALUE is the previous value of signal S.
S'DRIVING is false only if the current driver of S is a null transaction.
S'DRIVING_VALUE is the current driving value of signal S.
E'SIMPLE_NAME is a string containing the name of entity E.
E'INSTANCE_NAME is a string containing the design hierarchy including E.
E'PATH_NAME is a string containing the design hierarchy of E to design root.

(source :


S <= resize(A, S'length) + resize(B, S'length); -- overflow manages